28 ژوئن

Latino Family Attitudes and Desires

Family is meet panamanian women at the center of Hispanic way of life. Family attitudes influence our direction of choice-making, life priorities, and reactions to events. We are able to often truly feel trapped by familial targets that stifle personal development and self-advocacy. But , with the aid of a therapist, Talia surely could break free of familial expectations which are holding her back and establish healthy and balanced boundaries.

A key component of Mexican family valuations is the meaningful obligation to help relatives. This kind of support may take the form of lending money, offering a home to reside, or tending to an unwell relative. This can be a common feature of extended Hispanic families as well as the reason that Hispanics tend to be more susceptible to be living in multigenerational households than non-Hispanic whites and blacks.

Latinos are a remarkably relational persons and benefit simpatia (kindness) and personalismo (formal friendliness). This is why they are so quick to jump to a initially name basis with others, possibly strangers. However , this informality also can signal a lack of respect intended for the position differences among family members. https://www.marriage.com/advice/communication/communication-advice-for-long-distance-relationships/ For this reason, healthcare providers should treat Latino patients/parents with esteem and apply titles of respect just like sir and madam or perhaps senor and senora.


Hispanic family group dynamics continue to evolve and therefore are increasingly varied. Recent grant on Mexican relatives patterns stresses the importance for the concept of machismo in shaping the valuations, behaviors and expectations of Latino men and women. Even though cohabitation and non-marital childbearing is becoming more common, marriage remains important to Latinos, especially among the oldest ages.

درباره نویسنده

سرطان سینه ، از بیماری های قدیمی و شایع در بانوان است . تومور های سینه برای بار اول در 3000 سال پیش از میلاد ، به وسیله ی مصریان وصف شد . در علوم پزشکی قدیم ، مطالعات بسیاری در برخی از کشور ها نظیر هند ، یونان ، روم ، ایران و چین ، در رابطه با دلایل ابتلا به سرطان پستان ، پیشگیری و در مان آن صورت گرفته بود ، پس از آن نیز گزارش ها و بررسی ها درباره این بیماری ،در قرون وسطی و حال حاضر ادامه دارد .


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